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3 years old
90 pounds
Artemis is one of my favorite Akitas I've ever bred, as was her mother (Astraea) and grandmother (Ariel). Artemis truly is an exemplary example of the Akita breed, in nearly every way. Her body proportions (conformation) , head shape / size, coat, proper curled tail, just everything about her screams, "AKITA" . I have not bred her yet, but I can't wait to see what she can produce , to further the integrity of the Akita breed as a whole. She has a very happy go lucky temperament to those she loves and whoever we have over as visitors, that I deem as non threatening. But she definitely lets me know when something is up, and if she doesn't know you and I'm not around, she may act in standard Akita fashion ! I love Artemis so much and I'm so blessed to have her back in my life. She kinda was a miracle Akita that I wasn't expecting, but I am so glad it happened the way it did. Keep checking back for updates on our beautiful Artemis girl !

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